The Watershed Planning Area

One Watershed, One Plan
The Lower MN River East Watershed planning area consists of partnerships between local elected leaders and conservation professionals. The partnership is in the process of developing a comprehensive watershed management plan that encompasses the entire planning area.
According to Minnesota Statutes §103B.801, comprehensive watershed management plans must address:
Surface water and ground water quality protection, restoration, and improvement, including prevention of erosion and soil transport into surface water systems
Restoration, protection, and preservation of natural surface water and groundwater storage and retention systems
Promotion of groundwater recharge
Minimization of public capital expenditures needed to correct flooding and water quality problems
Wetland enhancement, restoration, and establishment
Identification of priority areas for riparian zone management and buffers
Protection and enhancement of fish and wildlife habitat and water recreational facilities
The Lower MN River East partnership was awarded a planning grant from the Board of Water & Soil Resources through the One Watershed, One Plan Program to develop this plan.
The Watershed Partners
Funding for this plan was provided thanks to Minnesota’s Clean Water Fund, which works to protect, enhance, and restore water quality in lakes, rivers, and streams.
To learn more, visit
Policy Committee members
Daniel O'Keefe - Le Sueur County
Greg Entinger - Le Sueur Soil & Water Conservation District
Richard Cook - Rice Soil & Water Conservation District
Jeff Docken - Rice County
Doug Schoenecker - Scott Soil & Water Conservation District
Rita Weaver - Scott County
Virgil Pint - Scott Watershed Management Organization
Laura Amundson - Lower Minnesota River Watershed District
Steering Committee members
Holly Kalbus - Le Sueur County
Mike Schultz - Le Sueur Soil & Water Conservation District
Brad Behrens - Rice County
Steve Pahs - Rice Soil & Water Conservation District
Linda Loomis - Lower MN River Watershed District
Vanessa Strong - Scott Watershed Management Organization
Melissa Bokman - Scott Watershed Management Organization
Troy Kuphal - Scott Soil & Water Conservation District
Meghan Darley - Scott Soil & Water Conservation District
Barb Peichel - Board of Water & Soil Resources
Anne Sawyer - Board of Water & Soil Resources
Technical Advisory Committee members
Holly Kalbus - Le Sueur County
Mike Schultz - Le Sueur Soil & Water Conservation District
Brad Behrens - Rice County
Steve Pahs - Rice Soil & Water Conservation District
Linda Loomis - Lower MN River Watershed District
Melissa Bokman - Scott Watershed Management Organization
Meghan Darley - Scott Soil & Water Conservation District
Barb Peichel - Board of Water & Soil Resources
Anne Sawyer - Board of Water & Soil Resources
Joni Giese - Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed District
Brittany Faust - Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
David DePaz - Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Joe Mulcahy - Metropolitan Council
John Freitag - Minnesota Department of Health
Travis Hirman - Minnesota Department of Agriculture